The pope is lost
Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
For generations, we have been taught we had to believe the story of the Exodus on faith alone. We were taught that Mount Sinai was […]
Why i believe in a young earth by ex-evolutionist Dr.Grady McMurtry Part 1
Dr Grady makes very valid points. He also knows of some real dinosaur flesh that still exists in tact today !
The book of Titus.
Check your own culture and see if they were like the Cretans. Ofcourse these days the Cretans are Greek Orthodox with very high christian standards. […]
Message from the mark of the beast designer Microchip Implants and 666 – Epi, Charagma, and Chi-Xi-Stigma There are many people out there pointing to implantable microchips to fit the role of the Mark […]
Noah’s Flood and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (from Pangea to Today)
Noah’s flood occurred just thousands of years ago and wiped out all terrestrial life on earth, save just thousands of animal “kinds” and 8 people […]